Monday, February 17, 2014

Glass Menagerie Costume Research

Life Magazine. May 3, 1937

Life Magazine. May 3, 1937.

Life Magazine. May 3, 1937.

Life Magazine. May 3, 1937.

Life Magazine. July 12, 1937.

Life Magazine. May 17, 1937.

Life Magazine. December 20, 1937.

Life Magazine. December 20, 1937. This is the type of dress I will design for Laura when she is dressed for the gentleman caller.

Life Magazine. May 17, 1937.

Life Magazine. June 28, 1937. I would like to see Tom and Jim both in a style similar to this when they come to the Wingfield apartment after working at the factory.

Life Magazine. June 28, 1937.

Life Magazine. June 28, 1937. Tom will need a box of cigarettes similar to this when he smokes out on the fire escape.

Everyday Fashions 1909-1920.  (Cotillion Dress) Amanda's cotillion dress will be similar to the dress fourth from the left. It will be pastel yellow in color.

Everyday Fashions 1909-1920. (Cotillion Dress)

Everyday Fashions 1909-1920.  (Cotillion Dress)

Everyday Fashions 1909-1920.  (Cotillion Dress) 

Everyday Fashions 1909-1920. (Cotillion Dress)

20th Century Fashion. The shoes on the bottom right can be used as a model for what Amanda and Laura will wear when the gentleman caller comes. The clutch purse will be used by Amanda in the second scene.

20th Century Fashion.

20th Century Fashion.

100 Years of Fashion. (Merchant Sailors) The two boys in the back can be used as a reference when designing Tom's merchant sailor costume.

History of 20th Century Fashion.

History of 20th Century Fashion.

History of 20th Century Fashion.

History of 20th Century Fashion.

Authentic Picture. July 1933.

1930s Everyday Wear. Sears Catalog 1935. This is more of the style that we will see Amanda in when she is at home.

Sears Catalog 1935. The shoes above are more of a representation of what Amanda would be seen in around the house rather than at a DAR meeting.

House Robes for Women of the 30s. Amanda's robe will be a model of the far left robe with a similar color pallet.

House Wear for Amanda.

Robes for Amanda and Laura. Simplicity Patterns 1930s. These robes are more along the lines of what Laura will be wearing. I like the soft blue and pink colors of the robe on the left.

It Happened One Night. 1934 Day wear. Jim and Tom could have hats that they wear to and from work like the one Clark Gable is wearing in the above image.

Fur Coats of the 1930s.

Fur Coats of the 1930s. This is more of what Amanda will have one when she comes back from her DAR meeting.

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